Interior Mold Problems: Is It Algae Or Green Mold Around Your Window Sills?

If large, greenish-black stains begin to show up around your window sills, you may think it's algae or something similar. The green stuff you see may actually be green-black mold. The following information can help you determine whether or not you have algae or black mold in your home.

Is It Mold or Algae?

Although algae and mold both require moist conditions to grow, the two organisms aren't the same things. Algae is an organism that reproduces and grows by photosynthesis, which means that it needs sunlight and oxygen to flourish. However, green-black mold (or black mold) doesn't do well in direct sunlight. The fungus needs plenty of shade and moisture to grow.

Greenish-black mold generally lurks on damp surfaces, such as wet flooring and moist window sills. The fungus can also pop up around broken water lines and leaky roofs. Mold can move from one place to another rather quickly. If you see stains throughout your home, it may be due to mold and not algae. 

It may tempt you to "diagnose" the greenish-black stains yourself. However, you don't want to do this yourself. Mold and some types of algae can release toxins into the environment. If you inhale the toxins and develop an allergic reaction to them, it could be dangerous. Instead of investigating the matter yourself, hire a mold removal contractor.

What Can You Do Now?

In order to determine whether or not you have mold or algae in your home, a contractor can test the stains around your window sills. A contractor may use a microscope or another testing method to identify the organism. If the test reveals algae, a contractor may remove it with bleach or another algae-killing substance. You may also learn how to prevent algae from growing in your home in the future. 

If the tests return positive for mold, a contractor may take other steps to remove it. A contractor may need to remove and replace the sills from your windows in order to confine and isolate the mold. If mold traveled elsewhere in your home, a contractor may treat these locations as well. 

You also want to fix any areas of your windows, roof, and walls that allowed moisture inside your house in the first place. If possible, a contractor may offer advice or tips on how to moisture- and mold-proof your home.

For more details about mold, reach out to a contractor like one at DiBiaso's Cleaning and Restoration, Inc today.
