
New To Weed Control? 2 Things You Need To Know Before You Start Treating Your Lawn

That lawn might look green from a distance, but how does it look up close? If you discover a yard laden with noxious weeds, you might be ready to head to the store, buy a bag of weed killer, and start piling it on without abandon. However, unless you understand what you are using and how to apply it properly, your efforts might be in vain. Here are two things you need to know about chemical weed control, so that you can make your lawn beautiful and lush again: Read More 

How A Chimney Clean Out Door Benefits You Year-Round

If your chimney doesn't have a clean out door, you might consider the benefits of installing one. Chimney clean out doors are not only useful to the chimney sweep, they can be a great help for you, too. You can use a chimney door to maintain your chimney between inspections so you run into fewer problems. Maintenance Step #1: Check for Chimney Blocks Chimney clean out doors are located on the rear-side of your chimney at or near ground level. Read More 

The Cost To Fix A Broken Garage Door Spring

The spring, or cable, is one of the most important parts of a garage door, because it holds the weight of the door and makes it possible for people to lift it without breaking their backs. Themost common reasons for garage door torsion springs to break include rust, poor maintenance, incorrect springs being used, and general wear and tear. Due to safety and risk of further damage, a garage door with a broken spring should not be opened until it has been repaired by a professional technician. Read More 

Voles Not Moles: When Meadow Mice Invade Your Garden

When you have worked hard to cultivate a garden of vegetables that you plan to harvest for kitchen use, the last thing you want is for pests to come along and eat up or destroy your bounty. If you begin to notice that your leafy edibles and root vegetables are disappearing, you may have a vole infestation in your yard. The following guide can help you identify voles and begin a plan of action to eradicate the pests from your yard. Read More 

Dangerous Termite Myths That Might Cost You Thousands In Damage To Your Home

They're tiny, can attack without warning and, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, cost Americans over $2 billion each year in property damage. Termites are a common problem in homes across the United States, and many homeowners are misinformed about this destructive pest. Don't fall victim to any of these common termite myths, or else you could find yourself calling a pest control agent to combat your own infestation: Read More