
Tired Of Looking At A Dormant Garden? How To Breathe Fresh Air Into Your Yard This Winter

During the winter, your yard might not look as lush and beautiful as you'd like it to. In fact, it might look downright lifeless. That's because most of your yard will go to sleep during the winter, leaving you with the remnants of your spring garden. However, winter doesn't need to mean that you're stuck with a dreary yard. In fact, with a little time and effort, you can have a beautiful, cheery yard, all winter long. Read More 

4 Design Trends That Are Coming Back

Design trends are cyclical. We all know it on some level, yet it is surprising to see a few of these dated design trends of the past making back to the top of the trendy list. 1. Avocado Green: The late 1960s and early 1970s were the years when our parents and grandparents installed those infamous avocado green appliances in their kitchens that were the butt of design jokes for years. Read More 

Exterior Window Coverings You Can Install To Increase Your Home’s Interior Comfort

Keeping your home comfortable all year long is a goal that all homeowner's face. As the weather outside fluctuates from hot to freezing, your home can lose and gain a lot of heat through its windows creating the interior to be less comfortable. Here are some types of window coverings you can install on your home's exterior to help you keep your home's interior more comfortable. Awnings Awnings mounted on the exterior of your home can provide a non-mechanical method to keep your home comfortable. Read More 

The 101 On Centipedes: Understanding, Preventing, And Treating These Leggy Insects

As a homeowner, you most likely understand the importance of periodic maintenance and repairs. From replacing a loose roofing shingle to repairing a broken window, these tasks are necessary for your home's function, appeal, and value. Unfortunately, you may not be placing enough time and energy into pest control. Considering the house centipede is a common insect in residential North American, learning how to identify and control these pests is smart. Read More 

Looking for Quality Furniture? 2 Things You Should Pay Attention To

As soon as you make the decision to replace that sofa or ailing dining room set, you might head to the store to peruse your options. Unfortunately, if you are like most people, it can be easy to get carried away with attractive décor, hypothetical living rooms, and the promise of saving a little cash. Before you know it, you might be greeting a delivery truck in your driveway. But will that furniture really last? Read More