Landscaping: From Rookie to Master

It’s About More Than Color: 2 Hardwood Flooring Characteristics You Should Be Familiar With

If you are thinking about ripping out those dingy, matted carpets and installing hardwood floors, you might already have a color in mind. However, the shade of wood that you choose is only one of the design considerations you need to make. Here are two hardwood flooring characteristics you should be familiar with and how to choose a variety for your home: 1: Wood Grade When you start shopping for hardwood flooring, you might notice that some of the product samples contain grading information, such as first grade, second grade, or third grade. Read More 

The 101 On Centipedes: Understanding, Preventing, And Treating These Leggy Insects

As a homeowner, you most likely understand the importance of periodic maintenance and repairs. From replacing a loose roofing shingle to repairing a broken window, these tasks are necessary for your home's function, appeal, and value. Unfortunately, you may not be placing enough time and energy into pest control. Considering the house centipede is a common insect in residential North American, learning how to identify and control these pests is smart. Read More 

Looking for Quality Furniture? 2 Things You Should Pay Attention To

As soon as you make the decision to replace that sofa or ailing dining room set, you might head to the store to peruse your options. Unfortunately, if you are like most people, it can be easy to get carried away with attractive décor, hypothetical living rooms, and the promise of saving a little cash. Before you know it, you might be greeting a delivery truck in your driveway. But will that furniture really last? Read More 

New To Weed Control? 2 Things You Need To Know Before You Start Treating Your Lawn

That lawn might look green from a distance, but how does it look up close? If you discover a yard laden with noxious weeds, you might be ready to head to the store, buy a bag of weed killer, and start piling it on without abandon. However, unless you understand what you are using and how to apply it properly, your efforts might be in vain. Here are two things you need to know about chemical weed control, so that you can make your lawn beautiful and lush again: Read More 

How A Chimney Clean Out Door Benefits You Year-Round

If your chimney doesn't have a clean out door, you might consider the benefits of installing one. Chimney clean out doors are not only useful to the chimney sweep, they can be a great help for you, too. You can use a chimney door to maintain your chimney between inspections so you run into fewer problems. Maintenance Step #1: Check for Chimney Blocks Chimney clean out doors are located on the rear-side of your chimney at or near ground level. Read More