Landscaping: From Rookie to Master

3 Things to Do When Choosing Granite

From serving and prepping food to dining purposes, countertops are an important part of your kitchen. Unfortunately, most countertops are not designed to look appealing or last for generations, so there will come a time when replacements are necessary. Although there are many materials to choose from, granite is a popular choice due to its durability, value, and appeal. This guide will help you avoid a few common mistakes when selecting granite counters. Read More 

Furnace Maintenance: Do You Need To Clean Your Furnace’s Combustion Chamber?

Maintaining your furnace on a yearly basis is one of the most effective ways to keep it operational in the cold season. But along with cleaning out the blower motor and wiping down the air handler, you must also take good care of the combustion chamber. Here's more information about your furnace's combustion chamber and why cleaning it is essential. What's a Combustion Chamber? Every gas-, oil-, or wood-burning furnace contains a combustion chamber. Read More 

Interior Mold Problems: Is It Algae Or Green Mold Around Your Window Sills?

If large, greenish-black stains begin to show up around your window sills, you may think it's algae or something similar. The green stuff you see may actually be green-black mold. The following information can help you determine whether or not you have algae or black mold in your home. Is It Mold or Algae? Although algae and mold both require moist conditions to grow, the two organisms aren't the same things. Read More 

Does Your Kitchen Make You Claustrophobic? Open It Up With These Remodeling Ideas

A kitchen that is small or poorly designed can feel cluttered and claustrophobic, especially if the family has more than one cook. Remodeling this type of kitchen is a good idea to help open it up and make it more pleasant and user-friendly. Equally important is the fact that a carefully designed, remodeled kitchen space can also be an important benefit for homeowners who plan to sell their home at some point. Read More 

Dressing Your Windows? 3 Trends To Consider

Window treatments are important for a few reasons. Not only can they create privacy, but they can also block light and views while providing some energy efficiency. Of course, the various types of window treatments can make choosing one quite overwhelming. This guide will give you a few trends to consider when deciding on different curtains for your home's windows. Natural Materials Whether you love nature or not, the use of drapes and shades made out of natural materials is a popular trend to consider for your home. Read More