They're tiny, can attack without warning and, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, cost Americans over $2 billion each year in property damage. Termites are a common problem in homes across the United States, and many homeowners are misinformed about this destructive pest. Don't fall victim to any of these common termite myths, or else you could find yourself calling a pest control agent to combat your own infestation:
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As a homeowner, you most likely know when and if there is an issue with your dishwasher, oven, or refrigerator. Unfortunately, determining if there is a problem in your automatic icemaker can be challenging. Considering the icemaker operates on an as-needed basis, seeing the signs of an impending failure is almost impossible. However, if your icemaker is not working properly, your ice will exhibit a few surprising signs. While surprising to hear, your icemaker may be failing and creating one or all of these shocking things inside your ice.
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Antique furniture that is has been kept and preserved in the finest condition should not be retouched or restored in any way-- such actions only diminish its value. However, you can click here or get beautiful antique furniture at a discount from a dealer, including chairs and sofas, that need to be reupholstered and repaired. Restoring a sofa or chair to it's former glory is rewarding, but it can be a little daunting at times.
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In an ideal world, your furniture and accessories would seamlessly transition between seasons without you having to lift a finger, or open your pocketbook. Unfortunately, the decor and colors associated with each season are unique, leaving you stuck with a look and scheme that doesn't quite look right. Don't get stuck explaining to guests why you're home looks like a beautiful fall setting in the middle of summer and instead, here are a few tweaks and changes that can inexpensively help you tradition between seasons:
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To many homeowners, a water softener seems like an unnecessary expense. After all, most municipalities spend a great deal of tax money on treating and cleaning their water supply. Wouldn't point-of-use treatment be a waste of time and money?
The short answer to this question is "no." Softened water provides many benefits to a home--some of which might not be readily apparent. However, whether you notice them or not, these benefits make awater softener a sound investment for just about any homeowner.
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